Category: Psychology 101

Fear and anxieties are negative emotions that have a very strong influence on our behaviors. They keep us safe, but sometimes, they can hinder us. I met a man who grew up in South Korea after the Korean War. Today, South Korea is a wealthy country with a tremendous human capital and electronics industries. Back after the war however, South Korea was in ruins and…

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Social anxiety disorder has a harsh effect. The graph below shows a generalized view of social development in 2 groups of people: 1, normal people and 2, people with social anxiety disorder.     We all start at zero social skills. In fact, for the early stages of our lives, we humans do nothing but sleep, poop, eat, and cry. As we enter into school, that…

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One major issue for people with social anxiety disorder is that they there are cognitive symptoms; their thoughts and mind is negatively affected by social anxiety disorder. People with social anxiety disorders will have a negative inner voice, which I like to call the “Negative Cheerleader.” While a cheerleader says positive and encouraging statements, the Negative Cheerleader says negative discouraging statements. This not only affects people with social…

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Are you shy? Introverted? What’s the difference? The Definition of an Introvert Intraversion is personality trait that is marked by reserved behavior and enjoyment of reflecting on a person’s personal thoughts (a marked trait by both the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator and Big-Five Model). The dictionary defines it as 1. a shy person. 2. Psychology. a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings….

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We all feel anxious around new people and in new social situations. That’s normal. Just think of the last time you moved to a new city or school. Or went on a first date. A bit of anxiety is normal in all those cases. But when our anxieties in these social situations become debilitating or we start to avoid social situations as a response to the…

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